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Top Reasons Why Should Test Your Air Quality

Even though it is visually not possible to see the air around you, we all know that it exists and has lots of benefits as well as dangers to our existence. Air pollutants usually float about around us and they range from dangerous mold to fumes coming from cleaning products and other substances. The question is, do you know what you are breathing in your home?

The invisibility aspects of air make it a secondary consideration when other systems are being tested in the house. However, if you have asthma, allergies, or your family members constantly experience headaches or irritation of some sort, you need to find out the source of the problem and the amicable solution. Below are a few reasons why a home air quality test is important for you.

Protection from Carbon Monoxide Pollution

Odorless gases can easily harm your family and one that tops the list is carbon monoxide. This gas is not just odorless, but also dangerous and occurs due to partial combustion of fuels. Signs of carbon monoxide pollution in your home are manifested in frequent headaches or dizziness, excessive tiredness, and prolonged exposure to this gas can lead to death.

An air quality test will help you in identifying the levels of carbon monoxide in your home and whether they are above, below, or within the normal range. Installing carbon monoxide detectors is highly encouraged in households so as to identify carbon monoxide levels at all times.

Volatile Organic Compounds Pollution

Whenever your home is painted or remodeled, it is important you run a test for VOCs. These compounds are usually emitted from aerosol cans, paint products, and building materials. Even though they are found both indoors and outdoors, they are a threat to indoor air quality and are associated with frequent nose, eye, and throat irritations. Whenever you see these symptoms in your home, you should give VOC testing a priority.

Radon Detection

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. What makes this gas dangerous is that you can’t see it, smell it, or even taste it. It can be found both indoors and outdoors, but oftentimes people are exposed to it in their homes. Its origin is from the natural breakdown of uranium in soils and it moves up into the atmosphere through the ground. The particular reason why this gas is dangerous is because buildings trap it inside and most homebuyers do not test their buildings for radon at the point of purchase.

Protection from Allergies and Asthma

If your household members suffer from asthma or allergies, conducting an air quality test can show how you can improve the indoor environment to cater for each one of them. The Environmental Protection Agency has it that irritants and indoor air allergens play a huge role in asthma attacks and their severity. Through an air quality test, you can identify if pollen, dust, or pet dander exists in your indoor space and at what levels.

There are various ways of testing your air quality. If you are a DIY person, you may opt for testing kits, but it is always encouraged to have professional inspection done to identify potential air quality pollutants. The average cost for a home air quality test is $405, but you may find yourself spending between $328 and $442.